One elder always said "pacific" or "pacifically" when he should have said "specific". I didn't think it was funny, but annoying and really revealing. Another elder never learned that "irregardless" wasn't a word Lots of the congregation would snicker at that. No one told them, after all, they were the elders.
La Capra
JoinedPosts by La Capra
A game you would have enjoyed.
by LDH inthought you guys would enjoy hearing this one.
do you remember all of the 'counsel' about 'word whiskers' that was given during the theocrapttic misery drool?
my sister and i (about 13-14 at the time) had always laughed at the more consistent word whiskers in our hall.
La Capra
by wildfire inhi gang aliittle post about a great late band: and i want to know which one of these songs best describe your life now as an ex jw or slowly fading one or whatever : the songs the songs are we are the champions-----another one bites the dust-----fat ---bottomed girls-------bicycle--------we will rock you----somebody to love-------you make me live ,,,,,, well there it is give me your take on these great oldie songs ok thanks alot just me sing ing my way to a better life .......
La Capra
Definitely it is "We are the Champions". I have been feeling on top of the world since last night....I discovered that MY contracts midterm answer has been selected as the "model answer" to go in the law library with the past test archives. That means I aced it, but I don't get grades 'til next week.
If You Weren't A Witness, What Would You Be Today?
by minimus inmany of us are or were witnesses because we were born into the religion.
others became witnesses because they really thought it was the truth.
so many wish that they never had a jehovah's witness come to their door or their parents' door.
La Capra
If my mom was anything, it was Dutch Reform. Before becoming a Jehovah's Witness, she went to Hope College on scholarship. I believe it was on a denominational scholarship. That would have been a much more pleasant upbringing than the one I had. However, I recently have discovered a faith I never knew I had. I have begun conversion to Judaism and have recently started to practice many of the mitzvahs. For the first time in my life when I am thinking spiritual thoughts and performing spiritual activities I feel my heart vibrating with "rightness", faith, joy, whatever. It's something I never felt as a Jehovah's Witness. I expected to once I got baptized. When it didn't, I was out in less than a year, after 18 years of being raised in it.
What was your deadline?
by JH inwhen you joined the jw's, what year did you set in your mind as the latest date for the new system?
we were all told that the end was very close, but how close did you think it was, when you joined?
if you would have known that the end was atleast 30 or 50 years away, would you have pioneered as much, or would you have given as much time to them, or would you have kept much more time for yourself?
La Capra
I was in fourth grade (1976, hmm, any connection?) when I realized it just wouldn't happened in the middle of the morning oatmeal-which was how I always envisioned it occurring (probably related to the reading of the day's text Mom tried to force down our throats along with the mush). It was at that time that I decided I would see the end of high school, probably college, and possibly my life before the new system of things arrived. From that point on, I led an extremely conflicted life. I knew deep down there was no urgency to the field service, nor to going to meetings and being the obedient child until my baptism. And ultimately I wasn't afraid of dying into nothingness. I did struggle to be accepted by the other kids in the congregation, but ultimately didn't give a damn. Then was treated badly for having worldy friends instead. Because of that I never could truly be "good friends" with the worldly kids either. I still am not able to maintain good quality friendships because of this conflicted childhood. I try, I pretend, but it just doesn't seem real.
Shoshana -
Mom just bought life insurance
by La Capra inrecent bizarre family events have led my mom a 35-year witness (she's in her mid 60s) and my dad, the unbelieving mate (he's in his early 70s) to consider putting their "affairs in order".
neither are ill in any way, but my mom's mother is not doing too well, leaving her care to be managed by my mother.. .
when grandma's husband died awhile back, the affairs were not prepared adequately, leaving a lot of headaches for those of us required to handle things.
La Capra
Recent bizarre family events have led my mom a 35-year witness (she's in her mid 60s) and my dad, the unbelieving mate (he's in his early 70s) to consider putting their "affairs in order". Neither are ill in any way, but my mom's mother is not doing too well, leaving her care to be managed by my mother.
When Grandma's husband died awhile back, the affairs were not prepared adequately, leaving a lot of headaches for those of us required to handle things. The end result is that my mom, who never believed I would be finishing 3rd grade in this system of things, (I am 35, I have a college degree, am currently successful in my career and pursuing a law degree), told me on the phone this morning that she has just purchased a life insurance policy. What is even more interesting is that she has informed me of her wishes-to be cremated-and she has arranged for that already.
The most amazing part is that after my father, I am listed as the second beneficiary on the policy. I am her only apostate offspring. I have one sibling I assume to be in "adequate standing" in the borg and another sibling who wisely blew the whole thing off at the age of about 13-pretended for 5 more years and got the hell out of the house as soon as possible. When Mom explained why she was doing it this way, she said that I was the only one who she thought could handle paying the final expenses without falling apart and could be trusted to fairly divide the remaining proceeds of the policy amongst her three offspring. I guess this also means that the borg is not the second beneficiary after my Dad.
When all is said and done, I am the only one of her children that has not majorly f***ed up in the "life skills" department of being a decent human being. It surprises me that she possibly considered that and thinks of me as her most responsible, reliable and perhaps ethical child-the only apostate.
But life insurance, I guess that means she has finally given up on seeing the new system in her life time. She really believed in 1975-I was just old enough to remember. She also really believed in the 1914 generation thing, which finally sent me running when I turned 19. I sure wish we could get those 35 years back. I am almost ready to ask her about the generation thing, because when I left in 1987, it was still full on taught that the 1914 generation would not pass away. As far as she knows, this is what I still think they teach.
Happy Saturday to you all-Shoshana
Opinions/Advice needed
by joannadandy inok here is my deal.... for those of you who don't know already i have never been df'd or da'd.
i just quit going, and was never baptized.
(that will become relevant later).
La Capra
Take as high a road as you possibly can, and to your best ability do what you would want your friend to do if the situation were reversed. If you know deep down she would want you there, then be there, if you know she doesn't then don't be there.
One of the hardest things I had to come to terms with when I left was that so many people that I had grown up around had no use for me when I rejected the cult. I felt (and still do sometimes) worthless, and that all the support and friendship that was given was conditional on my meeting attendance. I am sure if your friendships were true that they are conflicted about their treatment of you. To what extent do you want to highlight those conflicted feelings?
Either way don't let it be the child's consequence. It needs love both in and out of the borg, and yours may be the only love out of the borg it gets for a long time. You are devoting your life to children, which means putting their needs above yours and even their parents' from time to time. Woohoo Start now! (if you really want to do something, start her college fund...teehee)
Good luck to you.
Shoshana -
hopefully it's brilliance and not arrogance
by La Capra ini am sitting here this somewhat eerie monday night.
whe have had some pretty wild storms this weekend and just plain bizarre weather today.
i have poured myself a celabratory cocktail...a bourbon presbyterian (can ex jws drink those?
La Capra
I am sitting here this somewhat eerie Monday Night. Whe have had some pretty wild storms this weekend and just plain bizarre weather today. I have poured myself a celabratory cocktail...a bourbon presbyterian (can ex JWs drink those?), trying to relax-but I am too excited.
I just arrived home from my second midterm for law school...contracts. My first one was last Thursday night (that used to be Theocratic Ministry School and Service Meeting Night). That one was Criminal Law-and there was no post about that...But tonight was contracts. All weekend I was having trouble staying focused on studying for it, getting lost in concepts and having to ferret out the information all over again. I was getting very nervous and insecure. I did a practice essay from last years midterm and I totally sucked at it, missing about half the stuff I was supposed to find-as I discovered when I read a sample essay. I took a break then did another one within the same area of contracts, did markedly better, and so I stopped studying-right then and there, not wanting to have another demoralizing experience.
This afternoon, prior to the exam, I reviewed the order of things in my outline, and the components of every subsection in my outline,but I didn't look at any sample tests. Then I went to school and took the midterm. There were two one-hour long essay questions. (and a small set of multi-guess). I couldn't believe my eyes when I read the first on and it was exactly (and I mean exactly=:O) like one I downloaded from some other law school's test bank. I had already practiced writing it and was aware of some of the more subtle issues within it. Armed with confidence, I could relax and enjoy the development of each issue I discussed and the way issue could be settled.
When I got to the second question, I found I had more than enough time to do it justice as well. While there were things I wasn't sure of, because I was relaxed and enjoying myself, I could remember to do an organized analysis and believe I picked up on all the major issues I was supposed to and nailed some very minor ones most of classmates likely didn't even notice<img src='/forum/images/smilies/big.gif' align=middle>.
For having stressed and obsessed about this all weekend >:( , I sincerely hope that I was brilliant tonight and it isn't just some ill-placed arrogance, or worse, good old-fashioned delusion. I guess, though the real purpose of this post is to celebrate my freedom to pursue more education and not feel guilty or sinful or wasteful about it. When I got my B.A. eleven years ago, I constantly rationalized it as a practical endeavor, becoming a teacher. Now that I am about 15 years out of the cult, I am choosing to go back to school for something I consider a luxury, and perhaps a folly. ..Not because I need a reliable career (I have that and it is boring the hell out of me) but because I want to do it for the fun of it....Tonight was fun.
For all of you still conflicted about getting a higher education, dream just a little bigger, risk just a little more, because anyone who tries to get you to answer to them is not worth answering to. Go For It.
Shoshana (future esq.)
Jesus Sacrifice - How Stupid and Illogical
by MrMoe injesus dying for our sins... um, why.. because adam made a mistake?
based upon what?
jehovah's rules?
La Capra
How was it even a sacrifice-let alone a ransom? Both of those terms require giving something up. Nothing was ever given up. If giving up his son for 30 or so years in the face of eternity was a sacrifice, what does that say about His maturity level. A true sacrifice or ransom would be paid out permanently with no hope of it ever being returned. Givng Jesus up, never to exist agian-in flesh or in spirit-is what those terms require.
And if Jesus and G-d are one and the same....still how is it a sacrifice?
La Capra
OK OK, I know I am supposed to be studying for midterms but I can't resist.
What do I still hold true in my personal beliefs? There isn't any moral or ethic that still I cling to from my childhood in the JWs, that isn't represented in other religions or philosophies. The one biggy I can think of is the not believing in the Trinity. I think the hidden agenda in not having the trinity as a doctrine in the JWs is that this religion is really a Judaic Apologist cult, not a Christian cult. It was founded by a group of bible students who believed and taught that the Jews were still a "chosen" people. There are several hundred "rules" or "laws" that a Jew is supposed to follow. Nearly every single one of them has a matching rule in the JWs in one way or another. In fact, those laws are practically an outline for the JWs doctrine/practice/brainwashing. The fact that JWs have the New Testament too is somewhat of a joke. The whole idea of a resurrection came from the Jews, not Christianity. That there is a hope of spirit life after death is contrary to Orthodox Judaism, and how do the JWs get around it when it is such an important part of the New Testament? Make it limited to a small group of humans. There is mere lipservice to the whole concept of Christ's sacrifice and no acknowledgment of the real purpose of it-to free humans from sin AND release them from the Jewish covenant. The JWs have its adherents believe that even though they "say" Jesus paid the ransom, the underlying practice promotes a belief that Jesus was not really enough to satisfy the debt, and they still have to follow all these strict rules and practices "do or die". This is more typical of Orthodox and Conservative Judaism than any Christian sect which holds Jesus out as G-d and as high as anything...which then is enough to break the bonds of sin and bring salvation to mankind. It's not that I don't believe in the trinity-it's just that my faith and spirituality don't need it.
The biggest one I don't believe in is that they are they only religion that G-d accepts. As I have come to understand my own faith over the years, I have developed a strong belief that if G-d really did care whether we worshipped him in any particular way or with any particular group, he wouldn't make it such a coin toss as to what is brought to each person to decide. He is bigger, better and beyond all that. If it is Christ that helps you to have that spiritual relationship, then great. If it is a walk in a forest that does it, then great. If there is nothing that makes you feel spiritual, then that's great too. If you need him, he's there, if not he's OK with that too.
And if there is no G-d, then there is no one to be offended by going about it the wrong way anyway and all this incredible power, faith and spirituality a person can generate is an incredible human trait we have to bring a richness and fullness to our existence.
But that's just me. Shoshana
Chocolate chip cookie (Need killer recipe)
by Cappuccino OC incalling all gourmet dessert cooks,.
i forgot my friend's birthday.
he's becomming a father figure to me.
La Capra
Hey Capp
I have been searching for the best ccc recipe for at least 20 years. The one that I get the most compliments (from hundreds of high school students) over the years is the one on the back of Ghirardelli Semi Sweet Chocolate Morsels Package.
I have tried it mixing by hand, and it was no big deal, but once I actually followed the directions (because I got a new electric mixer and I just had to make something...) beating it to oblivion like the directions said and WOW!!! In fact if I weren't right in the middle of making Rugalah right now for a Hanukah party tonight, I don't think I could last the night without making some.
Try it, you'll see what I mean. And don't mess around the first time, just double it from the start. If you don't you'll be sorry.